Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Day In New York City by Kelsie

On Saturday, February 23, we went to New York City for the very first time.  There are five parts to New York City. The five parts are Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, and the Bronx. The part we went to is the borough of Staten Island. There we boarded a ferry and went to the borough of Manhattan.
 After we got off the ferry we had a break at the restrooms. Then there was a subway right next to the ferry building. We hopped on and got off at Times Square. It was supposed to rain that day, but it hadn’t started yet. As we got off the subway, I was really excited that we didn’t have to wear these ponchos that were totally unfashionable.
  But as we were coming out of the subway, it started raining, so we had to wear them. As we were walking around I saw that no one else was wearing ponchos. After that we had a yummy lunch at a little Italian restaurant. Then we walked to the store called AG (American Girl Doll Store).
Inside we saw a lot of very cute things. Everybody was very nice in the store and everyone else in the store was one thing we were not… dry (and not in unfashionable ponchos)! We even got to see the American Girl Doll of the Year, Sage.  After we visited the American Girl Store, we walked ten more blocks to FAO Schwarz.  As we walked, just looking at all the tall buildings amazed me.  On the way, we stopped at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  The cathedral was beautiful!  After that quick stop we headed on to FAO Schwarz.  Inside the store, they had tons of toys and then we got to visit the Big Piano. It was spectacular!  Katie, Caleb and I got to dance on it and a photographer was there to take pictures.  We had a wonderful time.  As we were going down the escalator, our friend Susan fell.  Her foot was really swollen.  Here is where the story really gets bittersweet.  We thought her foot was broken so we had to go back to the subway, onto the ferry, into our car and off to the hospital in Morristown.  I felt so bad for Susan that I cried.  When we got her to the hospital, they did x-rays and felt she probably didn’t break her ankle, but sprained it really bad.
Overall, it was a great day, except for the little hiccup at the end.  I loved New York City and hope to go back again soon.  Next on my bucket list…I want to get on Good Morning America!  And that, my friends, was my day in New York City.

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