Sunday, February 10, 2013

Home Sweet Home by Caleb

We are finally unpacked in our new home in New Jersey.  I like our new home.  Our condo is a bit bigger and has enough room for our dogs.  It has three floors.  We have two large closest that connect downstairs and that is our favorite place for our clubhouse.  I interviewed my sisters.  Katie likes our new home.  Kelsie likes our new home and our yard.  We see deer in our yard almost everyday.  Last week we saw six deer.  When we go near them they just stare at us.  Scooby-Doo likes our new home too.  He also likes to join us for home school.  The only bad thing since moving here is Dad broke the mirror by accident and we have had to go to Wal-Mart a lot.  

Our condo in Newton, New Jersey
Our back yard - notice the deer

Our Living Room

My Sisters' Room

My Room

Our Guest Room - Just waiting for you to come and visit!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice home you share with the deer! Who sleeps on the top bunk in the girls' room?
