Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Bear Story by Kelsie

One day, I was walking through the woods when I saw a bear. “Please don't eat me,” I said. Then I remembered that Bear Safety Tip Number 4 said I was supposed to talk to the bear. I wondered what I was going to say to the bear when an idea popped in my head. “Have you ever been to New York City?” I asked.
“Yes,” said the bear.
“What is it like?” I asked. “I’ve never been there before.”
“Well,” said the bear, “it's wonderful! I haven't been to all the shopping , but  I have been to some of the shopping, Central Park, and Times Square.”
“Can you tell me about the adventures?” I asked.
            “Well sure.” The bear seemed pleased that I wanted to listen. “Well, I was hanging around the bus station when I saw a bus come around. ‘A dollar just to go to New York City,’ said the bus driver. People went and got their cheap tickets. I wondered what New York City was, so when the bus was leaving, I hopped on the back. It was a long ride, but I knew that this city had to be big. Finally, I got to the city. It was beautiful. And it was so bright. The bus stopped, and I got off. Where nobody could see me, I walked through the city. I checked through some windows of shops. I took a stroll though Central Park. I got some ice cream. I played on the playground. Then I went to Times Square. I think I got on Good Morning America. Then, I got some lunch. It was very yummy. I went to a couple of other shops, then I got tired. So, I got on a ferry and went home.  That was my day at the city.” said the bear.
“Kelsie,” Dad said. “Come inside.”
“Bye bear,” I said, and I went inside.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if that bear was following Aunt Kelly and me when we were in New York? Those were some of the places we visited, also! Great story, Kelsie!
