Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shopping - Just One Reason I Love New Jersey by Kelsie

I am quickly falling in love with New Jersey. It is a wonderful place to live.  I love New Jersey even though there are a lot of 500 pound bears. New Jersey is called the Garden State. They call it the Garden State because they grow a lot of crops in southern New Jersey. There are so many interesting facts about New Jersey. One fact I love is ….


“The first set of twins to have both flown space are Mark and Scott Kelly, identical twins born in West Orange, NJ. In March 2011, the Kelly brothers became the first set of blood relatives to meet in space. In October 2010, Scott Kelly started his 5 1/2 month mission to the International Space Station, and Mark Kelly blasted off in February and reached the Space Station on March 1, 2011” (www.njeha.org/njfacts.html).                           


That’s a wonderful fact, isn’t it?  Then I researched another fact that said that there are more horses in New Jersey than Kentucky! (www.njeha.org/njfacts.html)


Then I found another fact that made me almost faint of excitement!!! (By the way, it has to do with shopping):


North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area than any other place in the world, with seven major shopping malls in a 25 square mile radius. (www.njeha.org/njfacts.html)


I love shopping so much that I was so excited when I found this fact. I’ve been to a couple of shopping malls since we’ve gotten here. Our family has been to Rockaway Mall, NYC shopping-of course- and two other malls that I don’t remember the names.  


That’s about all about New Jersey. But there are a lot more facts about New Jersey so maybe you could look up some more. And that is just some reasons why I love New Jersey.

1 comment:

  1. That was a neat fact about the twins being the first blood relatives to meet in space. I'll bet there are not many people who know that--unless they have read your blog!! I love to shop, too! When Aunt Kelly visits, we always try to have a shopping day--and we don't seem to get as tired shopping as doing other things!! lol
    I love reading your blogs, Kelsie!
