Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Facts About New Jersey And Why I like Living Here by Caleb

One of the reasons I like New Jersey is that there are bears here. Here some bear facts:

* American black bears are omnivorous, which means they eat both plants and animals. They eat fruits, nuts, insects, honey, salmon, small mammals and carrion. In northern regions, they eat spawning salmon. Black bears will also occasionally kill young deer or moose calves. (www.defenders.org/black-bear/basic-facts)

* There are at least 600,000 black bears in North America. In the United States, there are estimated to be over 300,000 black bears. However, the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolu) and Florida black bear (Ursus americanus floridanus) are threatened subspecies with small populations (www.defenders.org/black-bear/basic-facts).

These are just some facts about black bears which are also in New Jersey. You know what? Bears aren’t that bad if you think about it.They get rid of bad food.

 I also like New Jersey because it’s nice. I have new friends here.  Also, Scooby and Snowflake have a bigger place to run. People that vist us usually stay longer. The best part is, my Mom homeschools us and after school we play downstairs. We see a lot of deer here, too. New Jersey's air is so good and fresh. New Jersey has a lot of fun stuff. Goodbye for now. See ya.

1 comment:

  1. Caleb, I think bears are pretty special to you! They are beautiful animals; we just need to understand how powerful they are. The closest I have ever been to a bear, thankfully, was at a zoo. I remember thinking how beautiful his big black coat was! I'm glad you like your new home. I love to read your blogs, Caleb. Keep up the good work!
